Thursday, October 24, 2024

Battle of the Bands October 15th results


Many Thanks to everyone who stopped by to listen and cast a vote on my latest Battle of the Bands! Boris, the battle-winning spider song was written by John Entwistle, (of the iconic band, The Who) about one of his least-favorite things; spiders. As he so eloquently illustrated in the lyrics, the tragic demise of one such dreaded insect occurred beneath a (no doubt behemoth) book, which, incidentally, reminds me of myself ;-)  In fact those who know me also know that if they ever come to my house and see a book on the floor – for no apparent reason – there actually is a reason. But it might not be a spider. We have scorpions here in the desert…big ones. 

Contenders                                  Song(s)                                      Votes

The Who                                Boris The Spider                        7  (Including me and Anon.)

Tom Waits                           What’s He Building?                     2

If the song itself doesn’t raise those little hairs on the back of your neck, check out what Tom Waits had to say about “What’s He Building?”: In April 1999, when asked about this song by Mojo, Waits replied, "We seem to be compelled to perceive our neighbors through the keyhole. There's always someone in the neighborhood – the Boo Radley, the village idiot – and you see that he drives this yellow station wagon without a windshield, and he has chickens in the backyard and doesn't get home till 3 a.m., and he says he's from Florida but the license plate says Indiana... so, you know, 'I don't trust him.' It's really a disturbed creative process."  ~


On a lighter note:

See ya soon!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Battle Of The Bands - October 15th 2024 Don't Look Now



Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-)

The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the most votes wins. All you have to do is show up (the 1st and/or 15th of every month) give a listen and cast your vote in the comment section. Votes will be tallied and the winner revealed on or about 8 days later.

I wasn’t going to post this time; you know, holidays coming, candy to buy, meals to plan... but who can resist the hijinks of Halloween?  Do any of you decorate for the Holidays? How about scary movies? Have you watched any yet? I’ve seen at least one a day for the last week or so. Well, if not seen then at least I listened while doing something else. There are some outstanding soundtracks attached to those movies!  Though, as far as I know, I’m not using any ;-) Enjoy!

I sure hope I'm not taking someone's idea with this next one...

Hope to see you all soon, but if I don't make it back in a few days as planned, I'll see ya on Nov 1st with a new battle - AND the results of this one. Have a spooky Halloween!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

BOTB October 1st 2024 - Blue Moon - Results


A blue moon is a real astronomical phenomenon when a second full moon appears. When that actually happens depends on who you ask. The modern definition simply asserts that it's when two full moons occur in the same calendar month. The original definition, however, is a little more complicated. About every 2.7 years, there are four full moons in a season instead of three - the third moon, not the fourth, is dubbed the blue moon. The rarity of the occasion inspired the old saying "once in a blue moon."

Many thanks to everyone who stopped by to listen and kindly cast a vote on my latest Battle of the Bands! 

Contenders                                    Song(s)                               Votes

Toby Keith                            Does That Blue Moon                  5 (Including Anon and me.)

Cowboy Junkies                          Blue Moon                            4


Since the first 1933 recording of the original Blue Moon song by the Marcels, it’s been recorded by more artists and featured in more movies than I could shake a stick at. In fact, the 1981 film American Werewolf in London presents versions by three different artists!  Here’s one of them:

Happy October, everyone!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

BOTB October 2024 Blue Moon


Hi all! It’s  National Walk your Dog Day so walk ‘em if you’ve got them ;-) I’m not sure what the trouble is with my favorite BOTB music hunting ground, but I’ve had to toss two ideas before landing (with a heavy sigh) on one last moon theme. I’m guessing you haven’t heard of either Artist/Band, but I’m fairly sure one will strike your fancy.  Richard Rogers and Lorenz Hart wrote a song entitled ”The Bad in Every Man” for a 1933 movie musical called “Hollywood Party” before it was cut from the film (!). The song was eventually used in “Manhattan Melodrama”, starring Clark Gable, but not before MGM demanded the title be changed to Blue Moon. The Marcels original doo-wop version (1961) was recorded in only two takes and although covered by a great many artists, was their most successful single reaching #1 

First up, the distinctive sound of Cowboy Junkies, featuring Margo Timmins

Next up, wildly popular Grammy Award-winning Country artist Toby Keith offered his own take on the Blue Moon theme in 1996

There you have it, folks! Which do you like best? And how come? Let me know in the comment section below. Oh! And, before you go, hop around and see the rest of today’s battles (participating sites are located in the top right sidebar of this page)

 Lastly, on the subject of Blue Moons, George Carlin's thought is one we can all appreciate.

~ “There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls”

BOTB March 2025

  Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-) The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the ...