Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Battle Of The Bands - October 15th 2024 Don't Look Now



Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-)

The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the most votes wins. All you have to do is show up (the 1st and/or 15th of every month) give a listen and cast your vote in the comment section. Votes will be tallied and the winner revealed on or about 8 days later.

I wasn’t going to post this time; you know, holidays coming, candy to buy, meals to plan... but who can resist the hijinks of Halloween?  Do any of you decorate for the Holidays? How about scary movies? Have you watched any yet? I’ve seen at least one a day for the last week or so. Well, if not seen then at least I listened while doing something else. There are some outstanding soundtracks attached to those movies!  Though, as far as I know, I’m not using any ;-) Enjoy!

I sure hope I'm not taking someone's idea with this next one...

Hope to see you all soon, but if I don't make it back in a few days as planned, I'll see ya on Nov 1st with a new battle - AND the results of this one. Have a spooky Halloween!


  1. I almost forgot that I put up a battle today. Good grief, where is my brain? I think I left it in vacation mode. :D My vote goes to BORIS THE SPIDER. It had just enough creepy weirdness for me. I'm not a huge Halloween fan but we do enjoy watching some of our favorites like "Young Frankenstein" or maybe something a bit scarier but no slasher type movies. I really hate those! I buy candy so we can eat it and keep the porch light off to keep kids away. lol

    1. Haha! I hope you enjoyed vacation. I appreciate the vote for Boris ;-)
      We only get one trick-or-treater a year - if that - so I only ever buy one bag of candy. Since the bag is already open we may keep our lights off as well ;-)


    Hands down. Nuf sed. Boris is classic. Tom's spoken word is soooo compelling. Dig it. ~Ed.

    1. I agree, Ed ;-) But have you heard Scott Walker scare-talking Farmer in the City? Tough choice between Scott and Tom and who I was going to challenge Boris with ;-) A vote for Tom - thanks!

  3. No big Halloween plans for us as usual, but we have been watching a few scary movies of late. We watched "The Happening" the other night and enjoyed it a great deal. I don't know why that film gets such a bad rap. It freaked my wife out--she loved it!
    The Tom Waits thing was, uh, interesting. That was a new one to me that I probably won't be listening to much.

    However, love the Who and "Boris" is a great song. Give the Spider my vote.


    1. Gads! You and Mrs J are brave souls. I may have a nightmare for simply looking up what that movie is all about ;-) Devil doesn't scare me, but that sure does - ha! A vote for the less-frightening Spider, thanks Arlee!

  4. I plan on watching a few Scary films..live " The Haunting" from 1963. Forget about the horrible remake. "The Innocents" starring Deborah Kerr us very eerie.
    I go for the spider because it is freaky. I like Tom Waits but the Spider one is for me. Not actual spiders as I freak out when I see one.

    1. This is such a fun time of year! Long as the spiders are small. And fake ;-) Thanks for the vote for Boris!

  5. No question, it's "Boris The Spider" for me, too.

    1. Glad to hear it, John! Boris is pretty popular ;-)

  6. I think we are planning on trick or treaters to come to the Assisted Living facility... About 600 little goblins.

    Voting for Boris.

    1. 600 little goblins?! That's a lot of candy to pass out! I'd love to help you. Will you be dressing up for the occasion?
      Another vote for the Spider of the day - thanks!

  7. Hi, Hello & Howdy, dIEDRE!

    Believe it or not, I was already familiar with BOTH of these recordings.

    I think 'WHO'S NEXT' is one of the classic '70s albums. I own it and like every single song on it. Oddly, however, that's pretty much ALL that I like from The Who. I think they miraculously "caught lightning in a bottle" in 1971.

    Also, I actually do have a case of Arachnophobia, so there was ZERO chance of me voting for 'Boris The Spider'. Helck, I don't even like Boris the Karloff.

    So, I'll vote for TOM WAITS, primarily because the video was pretty neat.

    Although my brother, Judge Al Bondigas, also suffers from a case of Boris Karloff--- er... I meant, Arachnophobia --- he's making a rulin' for THE WHO.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    POSTSCRIPT: Expect an E from me to be "flying in" sometime tomorrow. (Muddy is in the mail.)

    1. Ha! I hadn't heard either one before now, but I'm glad I did. Thank ya both, kindly, for your votes ;-) I'll keep an eye out for Muddy.

  8. Happy Halloween to you, diedre! 🎃 We haven't participated in years, but I remember some fun parties from the 70s and 80s. As for the battle , please give my vote to The Who, a favourite band.

    1. Witching you a very Happy Halloween, my dear ;-) It's been pretty quiet on Halloween these last few years, since the kids are in High school now ;-)
      Boris has a vote for every leg - thank you!


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BOTB March 2025

  Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-) The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the ...