Monday, July 10, 2023

BOTB July 2023 Battle Results


Contenders and votes for this month's "Memphis" themed battle are:

"Memphis"  Johnny Rivers - 3 votes

"Walking in Memphis"  Marc Cohn - 4 + 1 = 5 votes

Not exactly the outcome I expected, but I'll take it! 

Here's a little duel to get us in the mood for August:

And the pleasing sounds of strings - and rain. Because we could use some ;-)

Thanks, everyone! See you next month ;-)


  1. Not the way I thought it would turn out either. That's the way it goes sometimes. Still it's a good outcome.

    My results went up a few minutes ago.


  2. This Battle was a goot juan. No, actually, it was better'n that. It was great juan. (If you don't believe me, just ask Juan.)

    As I said previously, I think this was your best match-up thus far. And it leaves me looking forward to what else you may have up your sleeve in the future. (*Don't you just love the way I use the word "future" so insouciantly, as if I'm 100% sure that there *will* be a future... in the future? ...Also, don't you just love the way I use the word "insouciantly" so insouciantly, as if all "guys" do the same and there's nut'n unusual about it? ;^)

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Why, thank you, esteemed MC ;-) I've always loved word and music games (except Musical Chairs, I always got trampled) so, yes, I see me trying this again in the future.
      Ha! I'm impressed. I don't think I've ever heard ANYone, guy or gal use the word insouciantly! Have you been into the Mango ginger chews?

  3. Surprising outcome for an interesting battle! Thanks for sharing some lovely music, diedre. "Rain" is especially soothing. Hope you get some!

    1. Hi Debbie!
      Thank you for participating. I was surprised as well ;-)
      "Rain" will be my theme song until we do get some measurable rain, hopefully later today.


Your thoughts?

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