Tuesday, August 8, 2023

BOTB August 2023 Battle Results


Contenders and Votes for the August Battle of The Bands

Song:  Kentucky Woman

Deep Purple -  2

Waylon Jennings - 6 + 1 = 7

I really thought this battle would be a lot closer than it turned out. I had totally forgotten Deep Purple did this song and was pleased to be reminded. But who else would I use for the battle? Neil Diamond's version is, of course, outstanding and, unfortunately, ineligible. There was Elvis, Gary Puckett, half a dozen decent-sounding unknowns, and Waylon Jennings. I was pretty sure I'd heard Waylon's version and figured why not. Deep Purple is going to win. Then I listened to the country music outlaw and discovered not only was his cover unfamiliar, but it was also fantastic! Sorry about that, Neil...

Thanks, everyone! I'm off to check on the rest of the battles. Hope you'll do the same ;-)

Just a thought...



  1. The votes for Deep Purple were mighty slim but I still stand by my vote. :) Thanks for reporting the outcome, my friend!

    1. That's how it's done ;-) I was surprised there weren't more DP fans but am grateful for the ones we had here. I always like to know the outcome myself, as well. Besides, it's another chance to say hello ;-)

    2. I've had many battles where things didn't go as expected. It just goes to show you how music moves people differently.

  2. I'd listened to the Deep Purple version so many times back in the day and honestly never cared that much for it compared to the original version. It was good, but I liked the band's other material much better. When I heard Waylon's version I was immediately won over.


    1. I feel exactly the same, Lee! The song was just background noise on the DP album, but Waylon had me looking for a chair - or a dance partner.

  3. While I love Deep Purple, this cover just didn't sit well, so I'm not surprised others also preferred Waylon's version. Thanks for that blast from the past with Carole King. ☺

    P.S. Finally got my results post up, after some technical glitches.

  4. I thought you were still celebrating your anniversary ;-) Such a fantastic milestone!
    Carole King's "Beautiful" is my mantra of late as I've been conducting a series of meaningful deeds for ailing dear ones. Attitude is everything, as they say.
    Have a wonderful rest of August!

    1. We're done now until the next time. 😁 Wishing you and your ailing dear ones all the best! 🌹

  5. dEAR dIEDRE ~

    Considering the fact that the majority of BOTB participants are not particularly big fans of Country music, this outcome was much, much more than surprising to me. It was downright *shocking!*...but in a goot way.

    To my way of thinking, this was one of the most head-scratching underdog victories in BOTB's ten-year history. If it's not #1 on that list, it's dern sure high up on the list. ("The Purple Waylon Effect!")

    Well done, my friend! I loves it win a Country Outlaw clobbers a bunch of hippies. ;^D

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. And to think I almost used Gary Puckett! Then I ran across Waylon's version and recalled how he was clobbered in one of your battles and thought why not? Before I even listened to the song! Practically chewed a hole through my lip as the votes came in ;-) Glad you didn't have to rescue me, dearest. Thank you - and everyone - for your patience as I go about taking tips and learning tricks of the BOTB game.
      Happy August!


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