Sunday, October 1, 2023

BOTB October 2023


Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-)

The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the most votes wins. All you have to do is show up (the 1st and/or 15th of every month) give a listen and cast your vote in the comment section. Votes will be tallied, and the winner revealed on or about 8 days later.

It’s International Music Day! Universal Music Day is next Saturday. I don’t mind two celebrations, do you?

So, in my never-ending search for any and all things interesting, like on this day in history, Marvel published the first Alice Cooper comic book! And, it’s Julie Andrews’ birthday today – the same day that thirteen-year-old Judy Garland signed with MGM - I discovered the longest-running sound system in Jamaican history called Merritone Music. I’m still not exactly sure what they do, but they’ve been doing it for a long, long time ;-)

I was determined to come up with an unusual, yet uplifting battle that might even get our toes tapping. Thanks to Merritone Music, I found my first contender right away. But had to go to plan B when something went wrong with video uploads.  I figure these two will inspire at least a little positivity ;-)

First up: Creedence Clearwater Revival

Next upSurvivor

There you have it, folks! Which do you like best? And how come? Let me know in the comment section below. Oh! And, before you go, hop around and see the rest of today’s battles (participating sites are located in the top right sidebar of this page)


  1. I'm all for celebrating music any time, all year round! ☺

    Interesting tidbits! As an Alice Cooper fan, I'm ashamed to admit no prior knowledge of a comic book. Happy Birthday to Julie Andrews! A Google dive into Merritone led to the discovery of a national day of celebration national day of celebration for them on October 25.

    As for the battle, much as I love CCR (and I do!), the Rocky movies hold a special place in my heart. ♥ Please give my vote to SURVIVOR.

    1. An all year round celebration of music? Aren't we the closest thing here, at BOTB? Ha! I can't imagine a world without music.
      Before I ran into trouble posting, I'd discovered an astonishingly talented and tragically short-lived trio called the Mighty Diamonds via Merritone Music. Funny the things you find when you're looking for something else ;-)
      I loved it when the kids followed Rocky through the neighborhood...

  2. Never knew about an Alice Cooper comic book, but it makes total sense since he was a character driven rock persona like the members of Kiss. I didn't even know about Universal Music Day. But I didn't realize last month was Hispanic Heritage Month, then neither did my Hispanic wife--I guess she didn't get the memo. I just heard about it a few days ago on TV.

    Normally I probably would go with CCR, but I like the catchy sound of Survivor and that's who I'm voting for.


    1. Haha! Not realizing a celebrated day is not surprising these days with so many new beliefs vying for recognition. Oh, National Taco Day is Oct. 4th ;-)
      Survivor it is! I've always wondered which came first, the song or the band? Or was it simply a brilliant pairing of words on an ordinary afternoon?

  3. Replies
    1. I hear ya, let's hear it for the Swamp Rock boys from El Cerrito, CA! As Tom Fogerty once said of his brother John, "I can sing, but he has a sound."

  4. dEAR dIEDRE ~

    Brother Nappy (you know him as Judge Al Bondigas) was in the room when I played these two songs, so I solicited a "bote" from him as well. He said he likes *BOTH* songs but rules slightly in favor of CCR.

    I wasn't too clear on the "theme" that tied these two songs together in the BOTB boxing ring. But after rereading your post, I concluded that the unifying theme is songs that are "Uplifting".

    The Survivor song is probably more "uplifting" (it made for a good Rocky movie theme), but it sounds too much like Journey to please me. (I saw Journey live in concert THREE times, but I was *always* going to see "the other band" they were touring with.)

    So, you can give my "bote" to CCR also, please, if'n you will.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. See? This is what happens when a wheel falls off your cart in the back stretch... I was going for positivity (last sentence of my ramble) but uplifting as a theme works. I appreciate your patience, esteemed emcee ;-) You saw Journey three times? I'd have been happy with once. I think.
      Happy to put you guys down for a vote each for the "Down on the Corner" boys, CCR - Thanks!
      I think there's something happening here, McC. What it is ain't exactly clear...where this battle is going.

  5. Happy birthday to the legendary Julie Andrews! Music makes the world go around. I like both but I give all to CCR who just know how to make a unique sound. I'm not into the Rocky franchise either so that did not make any difference for me:)

    1. Happy October, Birgit!
      A vote for Creedence Clearwater Revival it is - thank you!

  6. Excellent song choices. I really like both of them, but CCR holds a deeper spot in my heart. Because of this - they get my vote.

    1. I hear ya, Mary ;-) CCR can sure gather crowds on the corner. A vote for the west coast southern rock band; CCR!

  7. Diedre,

    I'm a sucker for 70s music, so I'm going with CCR. They pull back to the lost days of my youth. Have a bandtastic week, my dear!

    1. Something tells me this battle will not be leaving CCR stuck in Lodi again ;-) Thank you, my dear!


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BOTB March 2025

  Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-) The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the ...