Sunday, October 8, 2023

BOTB October 2023 Results


Contenders and votes for the October Battle of the Bands:

Survivor Eye of the Tiger   votes - 2

Creedence Clearwater Revival Up Around the Bend - 7

Once again, my friends, I seem to have misjudged the outcome. As long as everyone was sufficiently inspired into positivity, I'm okay with that ;-)  

Since my telepathic powers seem to be "For the Birds" these days, here's a hint as to what I'll be doing for upcoming battles and a theme song to keep me on track ;-)  *No, there won't be any cartoons.

Don't forget to stop by to check the results of the other battles (top right sidebar). That's where I'm headed next.


  1. dEAR dIEDRE ~

    CCR had a great deal of universal appeal and I think they would be hard to beat in most BOTB contests.

    This wasn't a bad Battle at all. No shutout. And I remember my Brother saying that he had come very close to voting for Survivor. If he had, you'd have had a 6-3 outcome and a three-vote differential is highly respectable in BOTB. So, this Battle was even better than the final tally might seem to indicate.

    Whoa! You've got me stumped on the hint about upcoming Battles. Uhm... are you going to use only recordings by the band ACME?

    (Ha! Now that I think about it, ACME would have been a great / humorous name for a band. How come no one done did think o' that?!)

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. ADDENDUM:
      dIEDRE, after now having seen *ALL* of October 1sts BOTB Results posts, I think you'll be heartened to know that YOU actually had the closest outcome - the tightest race - in the entire round! Wow! That just goes to show the level of blowouts all the rest of us had. Nicely done, my friend!

      ~ D-FensDogG

    2. Hi, Stephen,
      I just try to provide something for everyone and in so doing shoot myself in the foot by forgetting the point of the game ;-) No doubt I enjoy it though and for that I thank all of you for your patience.
      Acme would be the greatest name ever!
      I almost voted for Survivor because it practically kicks you off the sofa, but then CCR not only suggests, but gives an itinerary ;-)
      Really? I had the closest outcome?

  2. Generally speaking, CCR is my favorite band of these two, but in that match I just had to go with "Eye of the Tiger" since that CCR song is not my favorite of theirs. Still, it was a good Battle.


    1. Hi Lee!
      Thanks! Yeah, "Eye of the Tiger" is a tough one to beat.
      Especially everything it calls to mind.

  3. Most of us like CCR, therefore it makes sense they won. 🙂 I'm a huge fan of the Rocky movies though, and Eye Of The Tiger has many memories attached, so I had to go there. ❤️ You'll be featuring cartoon theme songs next? Or creatures of the desert? 😄

    1. Hi Debbie!
      I like the Rocky movies too ;-) Theme songs is a good idea, but I can't think of many cartoons. Of course, once you get passed roadrunners and alligator lizards, I don't know of any songs written about desert critters ;-)


Your thoughts?

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