Wednesday, November 8, 2023

BOTB November 2023 RESULTS


Thanks, everyone, for coming around to cast your vote for the first of a few more battles to come with the theme "For The Birds" in common!  * Note to anyone who tried and failed to reach me via email: it quit working a few days ago, and I've yet to figure it out. 

In keeping with how the theme came to me in the first place, this battle should have been more predictable - to me, at least. But it was fun to find out ;-)  Here's how it went:

                                Nellie Furtado - "I'm Like a Bird = 0 votes (She still gets airplay!)

                                Bob Marley - "Three Little Birds" = 7 votes (including mine)

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


  1. WOW, you just can't predict how a battle will go! I didn't think this one would be a shutout, though. Thanks for reporting the outcome.

    My battle outcome is now available!

    1. I didn't either, Cathy. I didn't even think it would be close. But a shutout? Mutterin' Magpies ;-)

  2. I still like your theme. Birds are the best!

    And better than one bird is three birds. Poor Nellie should have gotten at least one vote I would have thought, but Marley is a formidable foe.


    1. Thanks, Arlee. I definitely underestimated Marley's popularity ;-)

  3. It's a good theme. Sorry about the shutout! I almost had one, as well. Better luck to us both, next time.

  4. A shutout? Hokey-Smoke!

    Well, I guess the lesson to be learned here is that one should not pit an Eagle against a Turkey. :^D

    Speaking of Turkey... dIEDRE, I wish you and yourn a safe and lovely Thanksgiving. There's still much to be thankful for! (After all, neither of us lives in San Francisco.)

    Happy Trails!...
    ~ D-FensDogG

  5. WOW, a shut out! I didn't see that comin'. Have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving, Diedre!


Your thoughts?

BOTB March 2025

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