Friday, December 15, 2023

BOTB Dec 15th 2023 Because it's Christmas


Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-)

The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the most votes wins. All you have to do is show up (the 1st and/or 15th of every month) give a listen and cast your vote in the comment section. Votes will be tallied and the winner revealed on or about 8 days later.

This is officially a Special Edition since I don't usually post twice a month. But hey, it's Christmas!

First up: A song my daughter introduced me to a week or so ago. I'm glad to know artists are still coming up with new holiday songs ;-)


Next up: A song I can honestly say I hadn't heard before, don't know how or why, but I'm glad I ran across it. It's fast becoming a favorite. 

 And, because we should have at least a little tradition going on, here's a golden oldie crowd-pleaser for all of us "birds of a feather."

There you have it, folks! Which do you like best? And how come? Let me know in the comment section below. Oh! And, before you go, hop around and see the rest of today’s battles (participating sites are located in the top right sidebar of this page)


  1. Hey! I did a special edition too. Great minds... ☺ This is an interesting and diverse battle, diedre. I didn't know Bryan Adams had a Christmas song out. It was cute, but didn't really grab me. Nice to see another Canadian artist featured, though! Of course, Sleigh Ride is engrained in my memory banks, but Chris Rea's vocals and easy, breezy melody won me over.

    1. Great minds indeed! I'm delighted to see so many of us participating during the busyness of Christmas. I must say it almost rids my mind of worries.
      Bryan Adams' song released a couple of years ago, I think, but it was new to me when my daughter suggested it a week or so ago. I appreciated the tempo.
      I can picture the drive in Chris Rea's song. Except I'd be hanging on to the steering wheel or door handle for dear life in that weather - ha! His voice is so assuring.

    2. We hardy Canadians are used to snow storms! ☺ My husband and I once drove 4 hours through one (a trip that normally takes half that time), to see Eric Burdon in concert one February.

    3. Four hours?! But I guess when you consider the destination... ;-)

  2. Bryan Adams did a fine job and I really liked the Chris Rea song. But then you threw in that Ronnettes classic by the great Leroy Anderson. How could I not vote for that one. It's the Ronnettes for me.

    I'm doing a mid month Battle as well. Hope you can stop by.


    1. I agree with you on both Bryan and Chris. Funny thing about Sleigh Ride is that my (17 yr old) grandson is into the Ronettes (?) so I hear a lot of their songs lately ;-)

  3. Howdy, dIEDRE! ~

    >>... "But hey, it's Christmas!"

    I like that! I use that same line myself to justify all sorts o' things. It works, and one can't argue with *that*.

    I've always loved Christmas. That little boy in me, I never let him die! In fact, he'll probably outlive me. (It's a 'Tom Sawyer' thing.)

    I know Bryan Adams, but I'd never heard that song before. It didn't give me a whole lotta Christmas warmth.

    I'd never heard of Chris Rea before. But I liked that song immediately! It has a light-Jazzy Christmassy warmth about it. Very good stuffs!

    And, of course, I know The Ronettes *and* their version of 'Sleigh Ride'. 'Sleigh Ride' is probably my all-time favorite Christmas song. The Ronettes do it well in that old school '50s / early-'60s style, but it's definitely not my #1 rendition of the song. (The composer, Leroy Anderson, wins that spot with his original instrumental version. Johnny Mathis comes in second.)

    Very good Holiday (Holy-day) Battle. I think I'm gonna surprise myself here by voting for the completely "unheard of" Chris Rea and his new installment in the Christmas catalogue. I liked everything about his song -- the voice, the melody, the sentiment. Kind of reminded me a bit of the message in Kenny Loggins' 'Celebrate Me Home'.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    The Christmas Canine

  4. Now, that's the spirit, Stephen! Don't ever let go of the magic.
    I'll have to look up Johnny Mathis' version of Sleigh Ride. I bet it's good.
    Chris Rea may just have surpassed my (other) favorite Christmas song. You nailed it with the "Celebrate Me Home" concept. Birds of a feather...

  5. Diedre,

    The countdown is on. 😊 Bryan Adams song was too contemporary to suit my ears this morning but loved the introduction. Chris Rea's recording crossed my ears recently. I think maybe John had him up last week for the 4M party. I really like not only the tune but the video which reminds me of one particular Christmas we had to deal with the snow. The Ronettes are a classic and I do love them immensely but like Stephen, Chris Rea's "Driving Home For Christmas" edged out them out with their warmer vibe. So, kindly give Chris Rea my vote, darlin'! Have a very merry Christmas!!

    Here's my BOTB!

    1. Another vote for "Driving Home for Christmas" Must be the warmth ;-) Thanks, Cathy!

  6. The Ronettes are for me even though they are not a regular song I'd listen to. Adams was fun and would be 2nd. The middle guy, I have heard it before but it's pretty monotone to me. The video can capture that feel and I've driven in that many times.

    1. Hi Birgit! True, I wouldn't have guessed the Ronettes in any Christmas battle, but they were pretty popular...Another vote for the talented girls from Manhattan it is.
      You're used to driving in snow storms? You must have nerves of steel ;-)


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BOTB March 2025

  Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-) The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the ...