Tuesday, September 24, 2024

BOTB Results September 2024 – Second battle


Hi everyone! Many thanks to all of you who stopped by with a comment and a vote – I really do appreciate it!  It was a fun battle, and the results weren't half-bad ;-)

Battle Name:             Full Moon Rising

Desert Moon – Dennis DeYoung VS Mexican Moon – Concrete Blonde


                                    Desert Moon = 3 votes

                                    Mexican Moon = 5 votes (Including mine)

Can you believe the Supermoon we've had going on? It was still bright and fabulous last night! Now we can look forward to a Mini-moon showing up to follow us around for a couple of months - Crazy!

Enjoy the cooler mornings as we ease into Autumn.

See you next month!


  1. Good Battle outcome, dIEDRE!

    I've been looking forward to the arrival of Autumn, which is my favorite time of year. Unfortunately, however, here where I live in Northern Nevada, Autumn seems to last all of about 6 weeks. The same with Spring. Most of the year I feel that it's either too hot or too cold. (Or maybe I'm just a whiner & complainer at heart. It could be that. ;-)

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Hi-Ya, Stephen T.!
      In my experience, it's the (albeit fleeting) time just before Fall - as well as Spring - when the weather congers up a day as close to perfection as you're liable to see all year. We had one last week ;-) Today we've got a Heat Warning. Oh well.
      Too hot or too cold makes me think of the Literary Rule of Three. Our weather could use the "just right" that Goldilocks discovered.

  2. That was a good battle, diedre! There has been a cooldown but our days are still fairly humid. I'm not in a hurry for fall weather, since what comes after around here is truly unpleasant! 🥶

    1. Hi Debbie!
      I'm not sad to see the end of Summer this year. It's been relentlessly hot! Then again I don't do that well in winter - especially if it snows ;-) I am, however, grateful for the temporary changes.
      I look forward to the photos you take of seasonal colors in your area!

  3. I've seen the moon rising over the houses across the street from me. It looked pretty full, but I didn't notice much different about it. Guess I should have paid more attention.

    Your outcome was good. I liked both songs okay.



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BOTB March 2025

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