Sunday, September 15, 2024

BOTB September 15, 2024 Full Moon Rising


I may have mentioned I’m somewhat of a lunatic when it comes to lunar events. We’re due for a full Harvest moon (my favorite!) this coming Tuesday! The event is also called a Corn moon because farmers (including Indians) take full advantage of all that extra light to harvest their crops ahead of the Autumn equinox. I’m so excited (you’d think I’d grown out of this by now – ha!) I’ve decided to do this second Battle of The Bands with the moon in mind. I bet at least two, maybe three moon songs just went through your thoughts ;-) I’ll also bet it wasn’t either of the songs I’ve chosen for your keen consideration today.

Just a note: We’re also due for a partial eclipse – wouldn’t ya just know it? – on Wednesday, so get your moon gazing in early, just in case.

On this day in 1965 Ford Motor Company began offering factory-installed  8-Track Tape Players in Thunderbirds, Mustangs and Lincolns. You could purchase your favorite music tapes at your local Auto Parts store! However, later that year 8-track tape roadkill became an issue when the players had a tendency to chew up the tapes causing frustrated music lovers to toss the tangled ribbons out of their car windows. Home 8-track equipment was still a year away.

Getting back to the moon…Doesn’t it seem like everyone’s going?

Once upon a time, long-time lead singer of Styx, Dennis DeYoung may have read my mind and tossed my thoughts right into some of his awesome songwriting.  Especially with this 1984 chart-topper set in my neck of the woods:   Desert Moon

Ten years later, Concrete Blonde seemed to be on the same wavelength in a different locale: under a Mexican Moon

So, which one suits your fancy? Right now, I am firmly on the proverbial fence!  

See you on or about the first day of Autumn ;-)


  1. I'll go with Concrete Blonde. I didn't care for Dennis DeYoung's song at all.

    1. Thanks, John! Can't you almost smell the Margaritas?

  2. Dennis De Young for me. That brought back some good memories. Thank you.

    1. Glad to hear it, Mary! Truth? I'd never heard either of these songs before last week ;-) Starting off neck and neck is kind of exciting! Thanks, my dear!

  3. I still have a few 8 tracks around here, but nothing left to play them on. I got rid of my player a year or so ago. I like to keep the cartridges as a weird relic to show grandkids or whomever.

    Tough choice here. I like Styx a lot and the De Young song was nice. But I have the same sentiments about Concrete Blonde. I was on the fence for a minute until I fell onto the Concrete Blonde side. Give them my vote. I thought there was more creativity to their song.


    1. I don't recall ever owning a car with an 8-track player installed ;-) Not sure I even owned a tape - ha! But I do recall the tangles messes!
      Concrete Blonde definitely had me looking for the nearest oceanfront dance floor with those castanets ;-) Thanks, Lee!

  4. dEAR dIEDRE ~

    I like your Moon theme!

    I had heard the Dennis DeYoung song before but had never heard 'Mexican Moon' by Concrete Blonde. (In fact, this may be the first time I've heard *anything* by Concrete Blonde.)

    I was immediately reminded of a favorite Warren Zevon song called 'Carmelita'. Here are some of the lyrics:

    I hear mariachi static on my radio
    And the tubes they glow in the dark
    And I'm there with her in Ensenada
    And I'm here in Echo Park

    And 'Carmelita' always reminds me of the woman who announced the radio station call letters (69 XTRA Gold) in Spanish from Tijuana, Mexico. I had no idea what she looked like, but fantasized about her, having fallen in love with her voice. (In my current BOTB contest, I mention a cassette tape made from the radio in 1985. Side A actually begins with "Carmelita" announcing the station call letters. It's like an audio Waybac Machine for me!)

    I gotta vote for 'Mexican Moon'.
    I asked Judge Al how he rules and he said, "It could go either way, but I'll rule - ever so slightly - for 'Mexican Moon'".

    ~ D-FensDogG

  5. Two more makes four and the Mexican Moon rises away! Thanks, guys! Speaking of announcers (Carmelita), as a kid I always thought the radio guys were yelling until I watched them at a couple of live events and figured out why it sounds that way ;-)

  6. I used to get excited about such things, always running out in the night to take photos! Now, I'm more jaded, in a "seen one, seen 'em all" kind of way... Hopefully, your enthusiasm will rub off, diedre. Desert Moon is a lovely tune (hey - that rhymes!), but I was more attracted to Mexican Moon, which was new to me. It has an "exotic" flavour.

    1. I can't imagine not being excited about a full moon! I'd never want to not see another one ;-) I don't have the photographic eye that you do, my attempts at snapping photos is usually disastrous.
      "Exotic" is a good word for the song that seems to be the party most likely to win. Thank you, Ma'am ;-)


    I liked both of these songs, and what a great theme! I come down on Dennis DeYoung's side mostly because I was more of a fan of Styx than of Concrete Blonde, and I even have a few of Dennis DeYoung's solo albums. I like his voice. ~Ed.

    1. Aaah, another vote for Dennis DeYoung! I'm glad I ran across this song about two of my favorite things ;-) Thanks, Ed.


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BOTB March 2025

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