Friday, November 8, 2024

Battle of the Bands - Results and such


Many thanks to everyone who stopped by to listen and cast a vote on my latest Battle of the Bands!  Just when I thought it couldn’t be done, two different icons laid claim (and accrued acclaim) for outstanding covers of a legendary train song; proving it can so be done.       

Contenders                                       Song(s)                                Votes

John Denver                         City of New Orleans                           7  (Including me and Anon.)

Johnny Cash                         City of New Orleans                          2   


Since the holidays are fast upon us, I won’t fret too much about what happened here ;-)  Suffice it to say one John won, and one Johnny didn’t. With that in mind, I present an artist who appeared in my search for songs about trains that might just hold his own – were he to compete against the winner.

Please let me know what you think in the comment section.  

I encourage you to stop by and see how the other battles went (participant links in the upper right sidebar)


Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I would've still voted for John Denver even if you had used Al Stewart in this showdown. Denver had a landslide win, sorta like Trump, wouldn't you agree? Thanks for letting us know how things went. My results are now up!

    1. Ha! Why, yes. Yes, I would ;-) On my way to your place -

  2. Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving, diedre! ☺ I too would pick John Denver over Al Stewart, but Al's song is still pretty good.

    1. Same to you, Debbie! I bet it's looking gorgeous where you are, keep taking those awesome pictures ;-)

  3. Love the Al Stewart song. Don't recall having heard it before.

    The outcome makes sense. John Denver is just easier on the ears I think.


    1. Hi Arlee! I hadn't heard the Al Stewart song before either, but I sure like it. I also like John Denver's style for the battle win ;-)

  4. dIEDRE ~

    Hokey-Smoke!! I'm not only surprised that John Denver beat Johnny Cash, but I am amazed that he beat him so soundly! It seems, considering the history of BOTB, that Cash has been one of those Unbeatables (like Nat King Cole, Ray Charles, etc.) But then again, once upon a time ago in BOTB, Sinatra was also an Unbeatable, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. I guess nobody gets to be an Unbeatable forever.

    I thought the Al Stewart song was pretty decent, but it wouldn't get my vote over Denver's version of 'City Of New Orleans'.

    Lastly, I got yer E, and don't give up on Part 2 of the history of Muddy! I've had several things come up that I had to pay attention to, but I've already collected a few photos for Muddy 2.0, and I will complete that project for sure within the next few days, or my name isn't Mary Poppins!

    ~ Mary Poppins' DogG


Your thoughts?

BOTB March 2025

  Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-) The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the ...