Sunday, December 1, 2024

BOTB December 1, 2024


Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-)

The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the most votes wins. All you have to do is show up (the 1st and/or 15th of every month) give a listen and cast your vote in the comment section. Next, hop on over to see what battles other participants (links located top right column of this page) have posted for us to vote on! Votes will be tallied and the winner revealed on or about 8 days later.

I hope your holiday season is off to a peaceful, happy start.  Thanksgiving here was very enjoyable with good food and great people.  We should have dragged everything outside to enjoy the southern Arizona weather, but there was such a lot of food and at 80 degrees, the weather already had folks shedding outer layers of clothing so we turned the cooler back on and stayed inside ;-)

As I watched the last ones drive away to destinations far and near, I realized how thankful I was for the wonderful time we’d all had together. Since I’m so late getting this out, I’ll not ask you all to vote; just listen. But be on the lookout for my vote on your battle!

And one more of my favorites - for the road!



Be safe out there, folks! Happy Holidays!


  1. We had a nice Thanksgiving too. Small, but nice.

    Two great songs for the season. It would be hard to vote for one as they are both pretty nice. If I were to vote then I'd give it to Ben Rector since I prefer his style, but really it's a squeaker.


    1. You guys are just the best to offer votes! I agree with you , Lee, "small but nice," allows us all to savor more than just food ;-)
      I hadn't heard of Ben before yesterday, but he certainly has potential ;-)
      And we're starting off with a vote for The Thanksgiving Song by by Ben Rector~

  2. What Arlee said, except my vote is for Chris Rea.

    1. Hi John! I sure can't blame you, I dearly love the song.
      A vote for Driving Home for Christmas by Chris Rea!

  3. dIEDRE ~

    I thought the Ben Rector song was fine but I really LOVE *everything* about that Chris Rea song. If memory serves me, I think it was you who turned me onto it. Was it last year around this time?

    At any rate, I fell in love with that song and even added it last year to my 'E-Ticket Christmas Songs' playlist at YouTube.

    I'm really glad to see you've turned up for BOTB today. I'd have Bad Judge Al make a rulin' on this contest if he were here, but the Judge has closed his courtroom for the evening and drifted off with visions of sugar-plums dancing in his otherwise empty noggin.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Aw, sorry to be so late. Somebody had to finish the pumpkin pie ;-)
      Yes Sir, it was me. I posted Chris Rea last year ;-) I know, I'm a nut. I'll have to check out your playlist.
      That's two for Chris Rea!

  4. Diedre,

    Great song picks for this battle! It's wonderful you had a lovely Thanksgiving. Goodness, y'all got pretty warm on Thursday. It's been unusually cold for us and we're not shaking it off quite yet, either. Bah-hum-bug to cold weather! Anyway, this was a tough decision but I think I'll go with Ben Rector and I'm tossing my vote his way by the tiniest slice of pumpkin pie! Merry Christmas, darlin'!

    1. Why, thank you Ma'am ;-) I'd only planned to post one song, but couldn't decide between them. And it's two for Ben Rector! A very Merry Christmas to you, as well, dear Lady.

  5. I'm glad your Thanksgiving was good. We need to be so mindful on the road. I was in Toronto...the hwys are nuts!! Crazy drivers! I give my vote to Chris as I like the song driving home for Christmas.

  6. I hope your Christmas will be every bit as good as Thanksgiving, diedre! ☺ I like both songs, but Chris Rea's voice appeals a bit more, so I'll go with him

    1. Thanks, Debbie. I'm hoping so, too ;-)
      Chris Rea stays in the lead. Have a wonderful holiday season!


    Oh, dear, Diedre. You have made this SO HARD!!! I SERIOUSLY enjoyed both of these songs, neither of which I had ever heard before. Yikers. In the end, it was the jazzy stylings of Chris Rea's song that won me over. BUT both of these were awesome. ~Ed.

    1. Ha! Glad you liked them both ;-) Another vote for Chris Rea! Thanks, Ed!

  8. Ooh, it's not easy to choose! I'm going to listen again before voting! -- Deniz (Google won't let me log in!)

    1. Hi Deniz! It happens to me sometimes too. So frustrating. I appreciate that you tried ;-)


Your thoughts?

BOTB March 2025

  Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-) The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the ...