Tuesday, December 31, 2024

BOTB January 2025 - Smiling through


Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-)

The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the most votes wins. All you have to do is show up (the 1st and/or 15th of every month) give a listen and cast your vote in the comment section. Next, hop on over to see what battles other participants (links located top right column of this page) have posted for us to vote on! Votes will be tallied and the winner revealed on or about 8 days later.

Happy New Year, everyone! I’m getting my year-end party started early (see below), but I’ve set the alarm for midnight so I can witness everyone else’s ;-) I’m looking forward to your battles! It will be interesting to see how everyone throws out the old while embracing the new. Some years are just hard to let go of, kind of like Sweet Caroline. (Other years you just want to drop-kick off a cliff – but that’s for another post – ha!). Still others, according to the Black-eyed Peas, you find yourself infused with such feelings of hope and positivity that you might be as catchy as the song itself!

With that, I present two different songs by two different artists who are sure to have you singing along. But which one keeps you smiling the longest? I’m so determined to smile more this year; it might be my new theme!

 First up:

Next Up:



Have a wonderful January!


  1. That Peas song is catchy until it gets to the annoying rap style parts. I had to go back to listening to that iconic Neil Diamond song. That's more my style I think. I've been sort of nostalgic lately anyway. Give "Sweet Caroline" my vote please.


    1. Hi, Arlee! Seems like any occasion calls for a Neil Diamond song:-) A Vote for Neil - thanks, Lee

  2. Happy New Year Deidre!

    Without a doubt, casting my vote for Sweet Caroline


    1. Hi Mary! So good to see you out and about. Happy New Year to you as well. Sweet Caroline is already working that happy magic around here - thanks, dear Mary!

  3. Happy New Year, diedre! 🎉 I'm a Neil Diamond fan from way back. Black Eyed Peas - not so much. It's "Sweet Caroline" for me. Here's hoping there will be peace in 2025! 🤞🏻✌🏻

    1. Hi Debbie! I like the general sentiment of good feelings, but when you think about it, Neil takes the cake in that department. Is there anything more enjoyable than a good ole' fashioned sing-a-long to Sweet Caroline? Thanks for your vote my friend. Peace. Yes!

  4. Happy New Year, Diedre! I wouldn't say I'm a Black Eyed Peas fan but "I've Gotta Feeling" puts me in a good mood every time I hear it, so I'm going against the majority by casting a vote for BLACK EYED PEAS in this round. May God's blessing follow you each day throughout 2025, my friend! xo

    1. Happy New Year, Cathy! The Black Eyed Peas can sure get you off your seat! Thanks, my dear.


    Neil's Sweet Caroline is a beloved classic, and it made me smile and sing along. But Black Eyed Peas' I Got A Feeling is fresh and fun; and I smiled throughout, clapped, sang along, and even danced! So, yeah. Black Eyed Peas. ~Ed.

  6. I gotta go with the Black Eyed Peas which puts me into the spirit of dancing with a drink in my hand. Those were the days, but my days were the 80s. I like Sweet Caroline but ever since Neal said it was about Caroline Kennedy, it gives me the heeby jeebies. Shecwas only something like 12 yrs old or so...

    1. Ha! With a drink in your hand ;-) Wow! that was an unexpected tidbit - never heard that before.
      Thanks for your vote for the Black-eyed Peas, Birgit ;-)

  7. Happy New Year, dIEDRE!

    Caroline Street is located right behind a grocery store where I frequently shop, and every time I find myself there, I also find myself singing "Sweet Caroline". Such a great 'n' catchy song by Neil Diamond.

    For me, there was no contest here. And the same goes for my brother, Judge Al (not to be confused with Weird Al... although the Judge is also pretty damn weird!)

    1 vote: Sweet Caroline.
    1 rulin': Sweet Caroline.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    POSTSCRIPT: I hope it didn't take The Black-Eyed Peas longer than two minutes to write those lyrics, because I could have done it in no more than 90 seconds. :^D

    1. Two for Sweet Caroline - don't ya just love the spontaneous sing-a-longs? Thanks guys!

  8. I like both songs and know them both pretty well. Sweet Caroline is a classic but the Black Eyed Peas make me want to get up and dance so I vote for the Peas!

  9. Taking a cue from Stephen T., I’ve decided to post my battle results right here, next comment up after what would have been the last one, right now, while I’m still considered timely ;-)
    But first, let me just say Thank you, Thank you, Thank you all for stopping by with a vote!
    I realize there were those who pondered the wisdom of my song choices, but the way I saw it, I really couldn’t go wrong with either one. That’s probably why I changed my own vote – twice.
    “I Gotta Feeling” by the Black Eyed Peas 5 Votes (4 + mine)
    “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond 5 Votes

    Thanks again, everyone. Hop around and see how the other battles went!

    1. >>... "Taking a cue from Stephen T., I’ve decided to post my battle results right here"

      There are worse people whom you could take a cue from. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any. But, in a world of 8 billion people, shirley there must be a few.

      (Sorry about calling you shirley, dIEDRE. But that was my Ma's name, so it always rolls off'n what's left of my mind.)

      Hey, how'd you like 'Monte Walsh'? Shirley you must have watched it by now, right,... uhm... dIEDRE?

      ~ Stephen T. McD-FensDogsDogsDogs

    2. Ha! You mean you weren’t suggesting you were taking a giant leap toward and in the name of blogging efficiency? I thought it was a good idea. So far, so good. I enjoyed Monte Walsh, but I enjoyed the history behind the filming location (Mescal) more ;-)


Your thoughts?

BOTB March 2025

  Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-) The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the ...