Monday, January 15, 2024

January 2024 BOTB - Take two


Hello, Friends!

I realize it’s afternoon where many of you are right now, but it’s still early here so that little nugget of truth will remain my excuse for the duration of this post ;-)

The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the most votes wins. All you have to do is show up (the 1st and/or 15th of every month) give a listen and cast your vote in the comment section. Votes will be tallied, and the winner will be revealed on or about 8 days later.

When I mentioned to Stephen T. that there were so many birds on my “For the Birds” list I was thinking of posting again on the 15th, he challenged me to incorporate a few thirsty feathered friends in my rare participation of a mid-month Battle of the Bands. Try as I might, I did not find many songs about birds in bars or taverns – or even drinking on the sly ;-) I think it’s because there’s free bird food at Walmart.

However, as perhaps a remedy for “Blue Monday,” I did find a couple of fun songs that just might chase any blues away. I remember them both fondly from childhood, how the lyrics cracked me right up. I hope they bring a smile to you as well. I’d love to know what you think.

First up:                 Bird of Paradise

Next:                    Tennessee Bird Walk

Thanks in advance for coming by again. I appreciate your vote, and enjoy your company!



  1. I remember both of these well. Never bought copies of either because I don't think I'd want to listen to them very much, but they bring back memories.

    The Dickens song is so silly that I'll dismiss it as such. The other one is also silly, but it's kind of cute. And it's about my former home state.

    I vote for "Tennessee Birdwalk". I haven't heard that one for maybe 50 years. Now maybe I can wait another 50 years before I hear it again.


    1. Hi, Lee!
      I have a feeling I'm going to get more than a few groans in this battle ;-) It's okay with me, long as you smiled ;-) Thanks for your vote!

  2. I haven't heard either of these songs before, but I think Tennessee Birdwalk has better vocals. Fun battle, diedre! ☺

    1. Hi Debbie!
      Glad you think so ;-) Thanks for your vote - chirp, chirp

  3. dIEDRE ~

    You already know that I am a fan of novelty songs. I mean, with this kind of personality that God stuck me with, how could I *NOT* enjoy novelty songs?!

    Although I'd never heard Tennessee Bird Walk before, and never even heard of Jack Blanchard and Misty Morgan, I actually own May The Bird Of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose on a compact disc. The very same compact disc whose cover is shown in that video you selected. It's 'Columbia Country Classics: Americana, volume 3'. (Catalogue # on the spine: CK 46031) I bought it many years ago, primarily for The Battle Of New Orleans and Highwayman. But it has other terrific songs on it as well (e.g., El Paso, Pancho And Lefty, A Boy Named Sue, The Devil Went Down To Georgia, etc.)

    Nappy (er--- I mean... Judge Al Bondigas) and I were sure we would both be voting for Little Jimmy Dickens. We both know and like that "Up Your Nose" song. ("Up Your Nose with a bird of paradise"; not to be confused with "Up Your Nose with a rubber hose".)

    BUT(!) . . . to the great surprise of both of us, Judge Al and I both liked the unknown TENNESSEE BIRD WALK even better than The Bird Of Paradise.

    I'm shocked!... but I'm voting for JACK & MISTY, and so is my brother, Judge Meatball.

    Thanks for the introduction to a really fun new-old novelty song!!

    ~ D-FensDogG (of Paradise)
    [Link> BOTB's Battle Of The Booze

    1. Hi Stephen, Hello Judge,
      As I recall, the bird walk song was one of the first multi-generational crack-up sessions I was ever a part of. Good times ;-)
      Bird of Paradise was as popular at school as wishing someone an armpit invasion of the fleas of a thousand camels. It's a wonder any of us lived to tell about it ;-)
      Looks like the dirty birds may walk happily off with a win here. Thanks for voting!

  4. Definitely Bird of Paradise for me. So nostalgic and fun memories.

    1. Hi Mary!
      59 years later, the song is still a hit - thanks for voting, my dear ;-)

  5. Diedre,

    No mid-month battle. I'm giving my vote to Bird of Paradise for two reasons. One, it's funny and two I remember it from when I was a kid. The other song I think is an introduction. Fantastic showdown, dearie!

    1. And another vote for the Bird of Paradise - thanks, Cathy!


Your thoughts?

BOTB March 2025

  Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-) The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the ...