Thursday, February 1, 2024

BOTB Take Two - Results and February Battle


Hello friends! If you’re thinking “It’s about time she showed back up,” I don’t blame you. And I bet you’re just as excited to know the results of my latest “For the Birds” battle as I am to tell you, so I’ll get right to it.

Contenders                                           Songs                                                 Votes

Little Jimmy Dickens                         The Bird of Paradise                          2

Jack Blanchard & Misty Morgan       The Tennessee Bird Walk                  5 (including mine)

Both songs were greatest hits for the song artists in 1965 and 1970, each climbing to #1 on the Country Billboard Charts and hanging out there for at least a couple of weeks before languishing at #15 or so for at least a couple more.

The Tennessee Bird Walk song has made me giggle since the first time I heard it. Some have dubbed the lyrics “Genius,” while I just think they’re hilarious. Can’t go wrong with laughter, right?

I’ve not actually been to Tennessee, though I’m sure I’ve driven through the state more than once. I planned on maybe going back on purpose one day to see some of the many “sights of interest” while visiting my brothers, who live in neighboring states, and my Mom, who lived in TN until she passed away last Thursday. Since then, I feel like I’ve been fumbling around in the dark for a light switch. A good friend shared much-appreciated comfort along these lines: “Those we love don’t go away. They walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard but always near, still loved, still missed and held so dear.” ~ Unknown

The message in this song says to me what I found so hard to say aloud.

After a couple of last-minute updates, my February Battle of the Bands includes two versions of a beautiful song called "Songbird," written by the late, great Christine McVie of Fleetwood Mac. 

There you have it, folks! Which do you like best? And how come? Let me know in the comment section below. Oh! And, before you go, hop around and see the rest of today’s battles (participating sites are located in the top right sidebar of this page)

 Happy February!


  1. Sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. That is one of the worst losses I can think of. My mother died 9 years ago and I still think of her everyday.

    Yes, someday you should go to spend some quality time in Tennessee and I would most recommend East Tennessee though the middle part of the state is pretty nice.

    Both versions of this song are nice, but my preference was for that first version by Wilson & Groban. Very pretty.


    1. Hi, Lee! Thanks for your kind thoughts. It's situations like this that make me wish my heart and mind communicated better. Bright side is the healing power of love and the merciful passage of time.
      Tennessee, as well as surrounding areas, is gorgeous country with fascinating history. I'd love to check out the "Lost Sea" in Sweetwater, maybe attend a Tin Pan South songwriters festival event once.
      I appreciate your vote for Rita Wilson and Josh Groban! It's a new song to me, but I sure am familiar with the singers ;-)

  2. diedre, I'm so sorry for your loss! And the pain must be excruciating still, as it's so fresh. Sending you a big virtual ((HUG))! ♥

    This is a beautiful song, and I liked both versions, so I listened twice. In the end, I thought The Running Mates brought more emotion to it, so I'll vote for them.

    1. Hi, Debbie! Thank you for your thoughts - and the cyber hug ;-) Now among the bits and pieces residing in my heart, a hero lives there too.
      The Running Mates are officially in the running! Thanks for voting ;-)

  3. Diedre,

    Oh, my heart! I'm so sorry for your loss, darlin'! It's a horrible feeling to loss a parent having just gone through this in September with my daddy but moms are different. The comforting words extended to you that you shared are beautiful and so true. I hope you sense the presence of your mom near you each day. She's locked away in your memories and heart forever! I will have you in my prayers, my friend.

    Turning my thoughts to your battle. I don't remember the song...well, I might remember the title and I probably heard it but it escapes me. I was deeply moved by the first duet set. The tenderness poured into their cover seemed genuine. The second duet set just sang, trying to sound good but it wasn't in their heart, you know what I mean? I'm giving my vote to Rita Wilson & Josh Groban. Have a blessed day! xo

    1. Hi, Cathy! I appreciate your thoughts, and I love your description of why you voted for Josh and Rita. It's as lovely as the song itself. Thanks so much!
      Have a wonderful day and week.

  4. This is a beautiful song and I was thinking of my mommy who died 6 yrs ago on Jan. 15th. You will ge in a fog for a while and the pain will lesson but you will miss her. I miss my mom so much. She was my Rick. I love that quote from your friend. My mom collected these types of quotes and I love this one, " it is better to walk with an angel through hell than with the devil through paradise."
    I had no idea Rita Wilson could sing but even though they are 2 big stars I am going with the 2 one. Their voices just mesh so seamlessly that it brought a tear to my eye. When you can, you could make a scrapbook or journal or something in memory of your mom. I created a scrapbook with all her Faberge eggs she made...jewel boxes to scenes. I posted a few pics on my blog a few months back. It helped me. Take strength in your friends and family. Much hugs to you

    1. Your words resonate warmth through the cyberspace, my dear. Thank you ever so much. I love the quote you shared, you must be the angel it refers to;-)
      I also had no idea Rita Wilson was so talented. Coming across that song was a pleasant surprise.
      I appreciate your vote for the Running Mates who are definitely in the running for this battle!

  5. dIEDRE ~

    First of all, my Brother sends his condolences.
    It's a very tough thing to deal with. As I mentioned previously, my Pa passed in '96 and my Ma in 2005, but still not a day goes by that I don't think of them. There will always be countless reminders in countless sights, sounds, and songs.

    This was a very nice BOTB Tribute match-up that you put together. Well done, my friend!

    I like Josh Groban's voice, and Rita Wilson was featured in 'Momma Mia', one of my all-time Top 10 favorite episodes of 'Frasier'. But I felt the second rendition by THE RUNNING MATES had greater dynamics, which made it stand out more to me.

    My Brother listened also and he said that the two songs were, "About as close as close can possibly be." But in the end, he also voted (er... made a "rulin'") for THE RUNNING MATES, for the same reason that I expressed above.

    May you and your Brothers all find the Peace of God to get you through this difficult time.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Thanks for your thoughts and kind words, Stephen T. - to Judge Al, as well ;-)
      I really appreciate you guys coming round to vote - and rule - on my Songbird battle too. The song is new to me but once I heard it I knew it was the one. I've even added it to a playlist I'm creating for a later service.
      Two more votes for the Running Mates who are handily running ahead in the race for the win!
      Thanks again, my friend.

  6. Dang it! I'm not crying, you're crying! That second version grabbed me by the emotions and next thing I knew, my eyes were sweating.

    Apologies for being late to the party here. I lost my dad in 2010 and my mom in 2016. My sister in 1996 and my oldest brother in 2013. I think of them often, probably more so now that I am doing treatments again.

    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers... And casting an easy vote for the second contestant ( I didn't catch their name)


    1. Dear Mary, no one can make me laugh and cry at the same time quite the way you do! Bless your sweet heart.
      Thoughts and prayers and cyber hugs to you that this latest batch of treatments shuts the door on the insidious evil that plagues you.
      Wishing nothing but smiles and sunshine for you, my friend.
      With your help, the Running Mates have run away with the battle ;-) Thanks!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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BOTB March 2025

  Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-) The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the ...