Thursday, February 8, 2024

BOTB 2024 February 1st - Results


Battle Name:             For the Birds  - 5th installment

Song:                          Songbird

Contenders and Tallies:

                                    Rita Wilson & Josh Groban    = 4 votes

                                    The Running Mates                = 5 votes

Many thanks to everyone who flew in to vote on what was likely one of my last For the Birds battles. Honestly, I’m not even near the end of my list of ‘Bird’ songs, but it feels like time to move on to another theme. I don’t know what it will be yet, but in the meantime, I’ve challenged myself to a second battle for the month of February - in honor of Valentine’s Day, presenting love songs that don’t actually use the word “Love.” I bet you’ll stop by to see how I’ll ever pull it off ;-)

Thanks again, everybody – and for your kind condolences as well. Other battle results are probably available (I’m a slowpoke) at the links located in the top right column of this page. I'm on my way to check them out now ;-)

See you on the 15th!


  1. dIEDRE ~

    Did you not submit a vote in your own Battle? If so, there's no mention of it above.

    This was an excellent contest - only a 1-vote margin of victory - so I don't know why you're about to retire this theme with so many unused songs on your list, but... you're the boss, Boss!

    >>... "love songs that don’t actually use the word “Love.”

    Hmmm.... That sounds a little too easy. I think I should challenge myself and do a BOTB installment about love songs that *DON'T* mention love, but which *DO* mention some form of booze. (Think I could manage that? I really don't know but... I may give it a tawt or two.)

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. "love songs that *DON'T* mention love, but which *DO* mention some form of booze." Looking forward to that one! ☺

    2. You'll see what I mean, Stephen ;-)

    3. I was completely... bluffing.
      By now, *everyone* should know not to take me the least bit seriously. I talk tough, like Wild Turkey 101, but in reality, I'm more like a Coors Light.

      ~ (Da Bluffin') Old Yeller Dog

  2. Great battle, diedre! Close ones are the best, IMO. I'll swing by on the 15th to vote, but won't be doing a BOTB myself until March 1st.

  3. Well, fiddlesticks, Stephen T. I did forget to add that I voted for Rita and Josh. But it was a tough call. Almost changed my mind.

    1. "Fiddlesticks"?!?!

      Hey, you watch your language around me, young lady!! I'll have you know that I am a respectable Christian canine, and I don't cotton to questionable language being used in my presents!
      (It's OK in my presence, but I dersn't like it in my presents. And I think of 'Comment Replies' as presents.)

      ~ Goofy
      ( alter ego dog identity)

  4. Very tight outcome! Oh, drats I was on the losing side! I'll do my best to scoot back over on Thursday to catch your battle. ;) Have a bandtastic day!


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