Tuesday, April 9, 2024

BOTB April 2024 - Results for Foolish


Hello, Everyone!

Have you seen any of those rockets Space X has been sending off from California, lately? Did I think of “Major Tom” when the first one raced over my house? Oh, yeah.

Did you watch or experience the Lunar Eclipse yesterday? How many times did you hear “Total Eclipse of The Heart”?

Off the top of your head, what 1982 Michael Jackson song features an unlikely collaboration with Edward Van Halen?

As for the results of my April 1st battle, I have to admit I almost had to request a consultation about what to do with the outcome – until I realized my own vote might change things ;-). Interesting is the best description I can come up with, but I’ll take it!  As Always, I sure do appreciate the participation of each and every one of you who stopped by to vote.

It being April and all, the theme was about being or feeling or acting - Foolish.   Here’s how it went:


               Foolish Heart                Steve Perry/Journey      Votes = 3 + 1 (me)

               Foolish                            Johnny Mathis             Votes =2

             Ship Of Fools                    Robert Plant                 Votes = 3  




  1. dIEDRE ~

    This was a really good "Foolishly" themed Battle. (One doesn't often encounter the words "good" and "foolishly" describing the exact same thing. Another event you can mark down on your calendar.)

    Da winnah won by one vote! I also had a one-vote margin of victory in my 'Battle Of The Bands' installment, as did CAThy! And I know MMQE's Battle was won by just two votes. Lots of close contests in this round of BOTB!

    I guessed wrong on your trivia question regarding Michael Jackson & Eddie Van Halen. I said to myself, 'Billie Jean', and I was *real* confident about that, too... until I looked it up and found it was 'Beat It'. Well, "Billie" starts with a B, and so does "Beat", so I expect to receive half-credit and a kick in the kneecap.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Howdy, Stephen T.!

      "Billie Jean" would have been my guess as well, if I hadn't already happened on the interesting "Beat it" trivia.

      So, an all around good month for BOTB - wonderful! I'm still making my way around the battlegrounds and that's always fun too.

      Have a terrific April!

  2. You had a close battle as well! Seems to be the norm this month. No rockets here, but the eclipse was spectacular! We had about a minute of totality. ☺ "Total Eclipse of the Heart" is an old favourite, so I didn't mind hearing it a few times. I didn't know EVH was involved with "Beat It", but then, why not? He was one helluva good guitarist. Happy Spring! (We're FINALLY getting some!)

    1. Happy Spring to you as well! I look forward to the fabulous pictures you'll probably take ;-)

  3. It was overcast here and we couldn't see the eclipse. We were in the upper 80% for totality had it worked out for us but it wasn't meant to be.

    You had a close battle, too. There were a number of the them that turned out this way this time. I was on the winning side in your showdown. Yay! Thanks for reporting back how it went. Have a bandtastic rest of the week, Diedre!

    1. When it actually happened, the eclipse just seemed like dusk here. Still kind of cool in terms of history-making events.
      It was an all around good month for BOTBs - even if I didn't know until the very last minute whether I was going for Steve or Robert ;-)

  4. I saw one of Musk's rockets going up last year, but not since then. I watched the eclipse on TV and that was probably better than seeing it in person since they showed it from many angles across the country.

    The right version won, but I'm biased I guess.



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BOTB March 2025

  Hey, hi! Glad you stopped by ;-) The Battle of The Bands (BOTB) is your basic Which-do-you-like-best contest where the one that gets the ...