Monday, July 8, 2024

BOTB July Results American Girl


Hi All!  Since we last talked, I spent a refreshing week in the woods where windswept clouds draped antique patterns of fine old lace across blue denim skies that wouldn’t let on rain was coming till it suddenly did and had us scrambling for cover. All too soon, though right on schedule, it was time to brave the blazing sun and trade the towering Pines for squatty scrubs that seemed to crouch begrudgingly beside long stretches of simmering blacktop that intersect the lower desert plains.

As I listened to good ole traveling songs by Creedence Clearwater Revival and EricClapton, I just hoped the temps would be mercifully low when we got home. I’d heard we had quite a storm that toppled several power lines across one of the busiest streets on my side of town, so I knew there might be damage. Maybe a chair blew off the patio? Nah, too simple.

It’s National A/C Appreciation Week, and don’t I know it since, as I write, I’m still waiting for the repairman. Gads!  Stay cool out there, folks 😊

But don’t rush off before checking out my battle results – as well as everyone else! We truly appreciate all participants, voters, and anyone who had anything to do with the songs that give us something to talk about each month!

BOTB July Song -American Girl – Tom Petty

Dierks Bentley                              7 Votes (Including me)

The Troubadour Project                          3 Votes


In honor of International Blondie Month:



  1. dIEDRE ~
    First of all... that opening paragraph... land sakes and by cracky!! Have you ever thought of writing books? I couldn't write that purdy if my life depended upon it!

    And "hokey-smoke!" (my proof of authorship, which I done stole from a flying squirrel). I just now looked up the current temp where you live and it's...{*drum roll here*} ...112!

    Sheesh! Stay hydrated and under water. NO! Not under water... it could be boiling.

    You had one of the closer Battles this round. Well done. (Hey! Be watching for something in ye olde InBox pert-soon-like.)

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Stephen ;-) Sometimes, inspiration just can't be contained.
      Good to know my battle wasn't a total disappointment ;-)
      Since it's been so sizzling hot I seem to have rain on the brain these days. Currently listening to Moody Blues "Never Blame the Rainbow for the Rain"
      Have a great week!

  2. "antique patterns of fine old lace across blue denim skies" What a lovely description!

    No A/C would be awful! Hope it's been fixed in the meantime.

    As for the battle, lopsided is a theme for all of us this week, so you're in good company. I haven't heard that Blondie song in years. Thanks for the memories, ☺

    1. Aw, thanks, Debbie ;-)
      Waiting for A/C repair wasn't too bad since only one of two units went out. Naturally, it included the one that covers my office/sanctuary ;-) The guys had it working again by Monday night.
      It does seem like we all had a bit of the lopsided Koolaide ;-) Glad you enjoyed Blondie. She's not on any of my playlists, yet she hangs like a dried-up flower under glass on my memory wall. All the boys loved her ;-) Happy July!


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